Archenholzstraße 78, 22117 Hamburg Germany
NEMA Pressure Sensors and Switches

Die seit einem Jahrhundert anerkannte Pumptrol-Marke wird konsequent als der führende Schalter auf dem Markt angesehen und hat sich zu einer umfassenden Reihe von branchenführenden Drucksensoren und -schaltern entwickelt. Diese vertrauenswürdige und zuverlässige Produktlinie umfasst Druck-, Vakuum- und Schwimmerschalter, die alle eine Vielzahl von nationalen und internationalen Standards erfüllen, einschließlich NEMA, UL, CSA und CE.

Product Type: NEMA Pressure Sensors and Switches
Brand: Telemecanigue Sensors
Fluid connection type: 0.25 inch 18 NPTF conforming to UL 508
Pressure switch type of operation: REGULATION BTWN 2 THRESHOLDS

9012GAW4Q4Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 1.5 to 75 PSIG
9012GAW4Y1Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 1.5 to 75 PSIG
9012GAW5Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 3.0 to 150 PSIG
9012GAW5G17Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 3.0 to 150 PSIG
9012GAW5G18Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 3.0 to 150 PSIG
9012GAW5G22KPressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 3.0 to 150 PSIG
9012GAW5K1Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 3.0 to 150 PSIG
9012GAW5Y1Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 3.0 to 150 PSIG
9012GAW6Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 5.0 to 250 PSIG
9012GAW6K1Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 5.0 to 250 PSIG
9012GAW6Y1Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 5.0 to 250 PSIG
9012GAWM4Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 1.5 to 75 PSIG
9012GAWM4H3Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 1.5 to 75 PSIG
9012GAWM4H3Y1Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 1.5 to 75 PSIG
9012GAWM5Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 3.0 to 150 PSIG
9012GAWM5H3Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 3.0 to 150 PSIG
9012GAWM5H3Y1Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 3.0 to 150 PSIG
9012GAWM6H3Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 5.0 to 250 PSIG
9012GAR24Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 1.5 to 75 PSIG
9012GAR25Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 3.0 to 150 PSIG
9012GAR4Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 1.5 to 75 PSIG
9012GAR5Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 3.0 to 150 PSIG
9012GAR6Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 5.0 to 250 PSIG
9012GAW1Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 0.2 to 10 PSIG
9012GAW1G21Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 0.2 to 10 PSIG
9012GAW1ZPressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 0.2 to 10 PSIG
9012GAW2Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 1.0 to 40 PSIG
9012GAW21Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 0.2 to 10 PSIG
9012GAW22Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 1.0 to 40 PSIG
9012GAW24Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 1.5 to 75 PSIG
9012GAW25Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 3.0 to 150 PSIG
9012GAW25Q4Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 3.0 to 150 PSIG
9012GAW25Y1Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 3.0 to 150 PSIG
9012GAW26Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 5.0 to 250 PSIG
9012GAW4Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 1.5 to 75 PSIG
9012GAW4K1Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 1.5 to 75 PSIG
9012GAW4Q1Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 1.5 to 75 PSIG
